Practical Ways to Get Ready for Wildfire Season-Evaluate Your Fuel Loads
May is National Wildfire Awareness month. Thinking of this fact is not only sobering but brings with it a sense of urgency to prepare for

Wildfire Evacuation Preparedness is Key to Survival
With the long hot days of summer finally here, the chance of wildfires and emergency evacuations begin to increase. Are you wildfire evacuation ready? Wildfire

Your Home Can Survive a Wildfire, Prepare Now
Wildfires can devastate a community and take your home, belongings and even your family. During the 2020 wildfire season in Washington State, between March and

Prepare Your “Go Bag” Today and Get Out Safely Tomorrow
Part of living in the iconic and scenic Northwest is experiencing fire season and from time to time in our communities it can turn dangerous.

Prescribed Fire, Controlled Burning – What you Need to Know
When summer approaches, we not only begin to think about backyard bbq’s and outdoor family vacations, but also about the fire season ahead. This is

Rural Communities and Fire
Rural and Remote Communities Face Unique Challenges when it comes to Wildfire Risks Fire kills just as swiftly in the country as in the city.