A Learning Network

Department of Natural Resources
Supported by grant funds from the USDA Forest Service, DNR administers the Eastern Washington Forest Landowner Cost-Share Program to improve forest health and reduce the threat of bark beetle and wildfire damage in eastern Washington. Non-federal owners of forestland in eastern Washington, who own a total of no more than 5,000 forested acres in Washington state, are eligible to participate.
Costs borne by the landowner for eligible activities (such as forest stewardship plans, brush control, non-commercial thinning, pruning, prescribed burn, and slash disposal) are reimbursed up to a pre-determined amount by DNR. For more information call 360-902-1706 or submit an application online.

National Fire Protection Association
NFPA publishes more than 300 consensus codes and standards intended to minimize the possibility and effects of fire and other risks. NFPA codes and standards, administered by more than 250 Technical Committees comprising approximately 8,000 volunteers, are adopted and used throughout the world.

Okanogan Wenatchee National Forest
The Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest is a large and diverse landscape, encompassing 3.8 million acres along the east slopes of the Cascade Range in Washington.
Chelan County Department of Natural Resources
The Natural Resource Department addresses federal, state, and local natural resource mandates and issues and increases the organizational efficiencies of the County in addressing these natural resource mandates and issues. Areas of focus include water resources and timber, fish, wildlife, and agricultural activities within the geographic area of Chelan County and North Central Washington. The Department places a special emphasis on the impact of local, state, federal, tribal, and other initiatives, both regulatory and non-regulatory, on the natural resource and economic base of Chelan County. The Department responds to the general policy direction of the Board of County Commissioners and integrates other County departments’ activities into its work products.
The Good Neighbor handbook created by Chelan County and several partner organizations has resources for wildfire and other important resources with contact information located in our county.