CWSC Meeting – Wednesday, September 25, 6:00 PM – FD3
This year’s fire season has presented numerous challenges and unexpected situations across our region, from Stehicken to CWSC neighborhoods. In one instance, Deputy Chief Smith found himself defending his own home while his wife worked to evacuate their horses.
Please join us for an informative meeting to review the fire season and hear updates on several critical initiatives.
Deputy Chief Smith:
- Fire Season Update: A brief overview of the current fire season, including major incidents and responses.
- Fuel Reduction Efforts: Updates on ongoing fuel reduction activities by Fire District 3 and CWSC to mitigate fire risks.
John Callahan
- Fire Insurance Discussion: Insights from recent discussions with candidates for the Insurance Commissioner, focusing on fire insurance challenges.
- Remote Water Tank Program: Latest developments on grant funding and the status of plans for remote water tank installations.
Bob Keller/Patrick Haggerty:
1.Firewise Community Outreach Plan: A review of upcoming efforts to engage and educate the community about fire prevention.
- Chelan County CWPP Revisions: Update on the revisions to the “Chelan County Community Wildfire Protection Plan” and how they affect our community.
David Nickinovich (Via Zoom)
- Various Grant Updates
Attendee Networking
The last 20-30 minutes will be reserved for questions and casual interaction between attendees.
We look forward to your participation and valuable input!